When the talk comes to furniture for your home, buying a new sofa is, for sure, one of the most important investments in your home’s functionality and appearance in this context. Therefore, it is a decision you don’t want to rush, neglect, or regret. Taking your time for good research of all option you have, all offer you can browse, and all special deals you can take advantage of is a good way to ensure you are spending your hard-earned money on a sofa you will love.

Because a sofa is not just an element of the interior of your living room, it is probably your family’s favourite piece of furniture, the spot where everyone wants to hand out, lounge, eat and drink, watch some TV, get entertained, even sleep, and overall spend some quality time with the most important people. A sofa is more like the heart of your home, therefore, choosing the right one is more than just important. Today we give you a few handy ideas and tips you would like to consider when investing in a new sofa.

Test and Then Buy

You don’t want to invest your money in such an expensive piece of furniture a sofa is without first trying it and checking how you like it. The same rules that count for when you are buying a new mattress can be applied in the case with shopping for a sofa. You want to sit down, lay down, test the sofa and how comfortable it is before you make the purchase. Different sofa designs come with a different level of comfort and functionality which, in the case with this type of furniture, is determined mainly by the seat depth. Since seat depths vary a lot, you wouldn’t be able to know which one you prefer without first trying the piece. Good back support is also very important when it comes to a sofa, therefore make sure to test different seat heights and decides which one you feel most comfortable with.

Choose a Good Frame

It does not matter how much of a budget you can dedicate on buying a new sofa. The only important thing here is that no matter how much you spend, you spend it on a good frame. A good quality frame is what gives your sofa structure, durability, hard-wearing power and will ensure your sofa will last for very long time. When wondering what type of frame is the best to choose, make sure to consider a solid hardwood one. However, some common sofa frame options such as metal and particleboard should be considered further.

Don’t Forget the Cushions

As much as your sofa’s frame is important, it is also important to pay close attention to the cushions of the sofa you are planning to purchase. When considering the cushions of the sofa, it is the type of material used inside them that makes the most difference. For example, feather-filled back and seat cushions feel very comfortable, cosy and soft. However, this type of cushions will require you to have them regularly plumbed in order to maintain their shape, structure, and comfort level.

In case the cushions are filled with foam or fibre fillings, keep in mind that these type of fillings will most probably get flatter overtime. Specialists recommend you to choose a sofa with cushions that are filled with a mix of feathers and foam. This is the perfect balance as it ensures cosiness and softness from the feathers, while you enjoy a lasting and hard-wearing structure thanks to the foam. Therefore, you can opt for a sofa with back cushions that are filled with feathers and seat cushions filled with foam.

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